Eight houses school of feng shui of the sixty-four trigrams to determine the law 8 pages

Profile Number: 19209

The Sixty-four Gua Feng Shui Determination Method of the Eight Mansions School

Eight House School of feng shui hexagrams to determine the law eight House School of feng shui to Yang House three to the main, its method of determining the main three parties and the formation of the trigrams to determine, which is outside the trigrams for the stove, the inner trigrams for the door to form the trigrams to determine, and the master room according to the room to door, stove and determine its career and health and longevity and other conditions.

Dry for the day

Two gold than and, prosperous, rich and prosperous, but the two males in the same room, pure yang without yin, wounded wife and children, wife died remarried, long house grandson discord.

Illnesses: nervous weakness, cold fear, kidney cold, liver depression, stool, back problems, vascular sclerosis.

Kun is the earth


The two earths are more harmonious than each other, wealthy and prosperous, but many women and few men, old mothers holding the family, a family of widows lacking heirs.

Signs of disease: deficiency of vital energy, palpitation and shortness of breath, deficiency of fluid, lumbar disease, fear of cold, liver and kidney disease, hemorrhoids, loose stools and diarrhea.

Shui Lei Tun

The first year of the year, the main owner has three sons, the family is harmonious and prosperous, but pure Yang is not good for Yin, the women have a short life span and the people are not prosperous.

Illnesses: liver disease, kidney deficiency, anemia, blood stasis, tinnitus.

Shanshui Meng

The earth goes to grasp the water, the ghosts and monsters enter the house, the main injury in the male, the small mouth is unfavorable, the Yin short-lived, disobedient children and grandchildren, human life official words, fire and theft, the evil devil is in trouble, evil.

Signs of illness: danger in water, kidney stones, urinary system stones, ear shutdown, deafness, nose disease.

Water and sky need

Mercury is lustful, Venus is abusive, husband dies of sperm exhaustion, middle son is lustful and escapes, women have short life span, miscarriage and loss of fetus, water tricky and swollen, dreaming of evil, internal chaos, bad.

Illnesses: blood stasis, pleural effusion, enteritis, brain disease, kidney cold, hemorrhage, lung disease,

Tsin Shui litigation</h6

The pure Yang does not change, the husband women, short life span, the family wealth dissipated, the middle male disadvantage, water tricky diarrhea, women qi and blood leakage, lust crazy loss of menstruation and other diseases, and damage to the six animals, small mouth difficult to raise, bad.

The following are the signs of the disease Signs: blood stasis, pleural effusion, enteritis, brain disease, kidney cold, hemorrhage, lung disease.

Earth Water Master

The earth grinds water, the middle-aged man dies of yellow swelling, the old mother dies of a crazy disease, falls off the compulsion, the kidney deficiency, deaf-mute and thin tumor, men and women wither, the small mouth is difficult to survive, official words and words, injury to people and damage to animals, three or five years should be layers of evil.

Disease signs: kidney disease, back problems, urinary system powder stones, diarrhea, ambassador pond diarrhea, abdominal fluid accumulation, hemorrhage.

Water to Earth ratio

The main symptoms are: injury to the middle male, madness and deafness, yellow swelling and watery compulsion, throat choking and congestion, stagnant menstruation and astringent stools, deficiency and labor.

The disease: kidney disease, back problems, urinary system powder stones, diarrhea, ambassador pond diarrhea, abdominal accumulation of water, hemorrhage.

Small animal in windy days

The main problem is that the woman is injured, the person wealth is lost, the woman is paralyzed, the woman has pain in her muscles and bones, the woman health is congested, the woman is a thief, and the woman is a thief.

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