Li Shuanglin Feng Shui video summary 324 sets

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Information name: Li Shuanglin Feng Shui Video Summary 324 episodes

Source ID: 21915

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Data Table of Contents.

/0Feng Shui Meaning/2021/21915. Li Shuanglin Feng Shui Summary/

01. What are the \”Six Internal Matters\” of Yang Residence?.mp4 36.29M

02. What is the Vermilion Bird Bane and how do we resolve it?.mp4 68.00M

03. The first fierce Yang house, the most fear through the hall wind

.mp4 45.34M

04. Feng Shui commits empty death, what are the implications?.mp4 64.70M

05. Wenchang feng shui help students to go to the best schools.mp4 43.55M

06. The second worst thing about Yang house is that the toilet should not be in the middle.mp4 49.28M

07. The house on the big and small is a bad house?.mp4 34.96M

08. The most important thing is to avoid L-shaped houses.mp4 35.67M

09..mp4 42.88M

10. The stove can not be placed in two positions, you know?.mp4 31.22M

100. How to analyze the success or failure of marriage.mp4 244.58M

101. What are the factors that affect a person luck.mp4 141.02M

102. The divorce can be remarried or not.mp4 138.99M

103. Is it auspicious to have a bedroom in the xun side.mp4 129.09M

104. How to open the door to the most auspicious feng shui in Yang house.mp4 145.10M

105. Is it true that planting a birthstone can change your fate.mp4 125.25M

106. What is the solution to the common saying in feng shui that \”a nobleman is in power and a group of fierce people are deterred from serving\”.mp4 51.00M

107. What are the instructions for replacing my grandfather tombstone with a cracked one.mp4 84.44M

108.Can you build a house that faces south in 2019.mp4 140.88M

109. Where should I put the compass in the Yang house.mp4 138.26M

11. The front probe out of the thief, the back probe out of the villain.mp4 50.16M

110. What are the hazards of housing in case of road rushing what is rushing open Le Gong Infinite Treasure.mp4 88.39M

111. The use of the compass divided gold revealed.mp4 91.02M

112. See how to distinguish between Yang house feng shui indoor sand and water.mp4 101.01M

113. What are the feng shui implications of whether a bridge can be built in front of or behind a house.mp4 62.21M

114. What happens when there are two pools in front of the front door.mp4 36.21M

115. What is the feng shui in the feng shui to the head of the dragon.mp4 97.46M

116. Revealing the operation of the Dragon in Feng Shui.mp4 110.20M

117. Sitting north to south feng shui case study.mp4 95.83M

118. When to move a grave.mp4 62.03M

119. How to calculate the luck of the earth in a Yang house.mp4 88.27M

12. These 2 kinds of non-rich or noble housing feng shui, do you know?.mp4 33.06M

120. What is a shallow burial and what is a deep burial.
121. Feng shui master point to the real dragon point land will really be hurt.mp4 72.87M

122. Does the ghost line in feng shui really have an impact.mp4 90.35M

123. What factors must be present for rural feng shui to be considered good.mp4 96.90M

124. How to resolve the kitchen in the balcony.mp4 37.29M

125. What is water sentient and non-sentient in feng shui.mp4 111.71M

126. How to divide the room according to the water what the water prosperous boss.mp4 84.60M

127. The eight characters of the child born by Caesarean section are accurate or not.mp4 144.37M

128. What is Yang Gong Jieji whether it really makes sense.mp4 137.49M

129. How to analyze the fortune of children from the eight characters.mp4 81.34M

13. The danger of the toilet at the end of the corridor and how to resolve it?.mp4 48.48M

130. What is Tian Yue Er De what are the usual uses.mp4 56.27M

131 tianxin ten paths of evidence point method to quickly master the evidence point techniques..mp4 43.33M

132. How exactly does the Chaoshan evidence point operate.mp4 99.02M

133..mp4 116.40M

134. How to identify the trees around the graves is good or bad.mp4 137.41M

135. What is the best direction to face the head of the bedroom bed.mp4 128.96M

136. How to properly look at the feng shui of the Yang house.mp4 156.73M

137. Two doors facing each other must have a family retreat.mp4 86.28M

138. The first fierce Yang house is the most taboo through the hall wind.mp4 76.63M

139. If the sky is grasping the ground will attract theft and rebellion.mp4 71.92M

14. What factors need to pay attention to choose a good house?.mp4 61.70M

140. What is a probe mountain and what are the dangers.mp4 91.71M

141. How to use the Sitting Hill Robbery Buster.mp4 52.40M

142. What are the Eight Furies on the Dragon and how to use them.mp4 124.01M

143. How to choose the direction to open the door.mp4 164.69M

144. What to pay attention to in cemetery feng shui.mp4 128.75M

145. The main family home is not under the crossbeam can not see the stove unrest.mp4 68.73M

146. The slope above the house is ultimately an empty.mp4 37.69M

147. Can redecorating a house or replacing the floor change the luck of the elements.mp4 81.04M

148. What are the dangers of a tombstone with an empty direction of death.mp4 92.39M

149. What is the best direction to place a feng shui toilet in a Yang house.mp4 64.48M

15. Why is it good to have a house that faces south?.mp4 52.90M

150. Why is yin and yang the foundation of heaven and earth.mp4 138.49M

151. Why is it important to renovate a house.mp4 46.10M

152. Is it good to have a house with a big tree in front of the door.mp4 84.55M

153. When buying a house must avoid fatalities.mp4 77.90M

154. Home feng shui: the foundation around the length of the theory of good and bad.mp4 79.84M

155. Home feng shui: home terrain eight sides are missing.mp4 69.76M

156. Can the center of the tall place to build a house to repair the grave.mp4 87.58M

157. The north has two roads across the inevitable first good and then bad.mp4 40.26M

158. How to calculate where the angry and dead air is each month.mp4 142.25M

159. How to identify good and bad luck through the shape of the water.mp4 96.48M

16. How to identify good and bad luck by the shape of water.mp4 57.60M

160. Villa Feng Shui: How to set the pool location.mp4 71.13M

161. How to analyze the stripping and changing of mountains.mp4 71.47M

162. The headwaters of rivers are not suitable for building houses in the uppermost reaches.mp4 39.41M

163. How to use the twelve stars to choose the day.mp4 74.37M

164. The six gods theory in the selection of the day how feng shui selection of the day.mp4 86.70M

165. Learning how to use the auxiliary star and water method.mp4 179.47M

166. The feng shui case of a weak husband and incompetent wife who cheated on him leading to divorce.mp4 115.21M

167. Housing should not be to the top of the mountain high places do not win the cold victory will be defeated.mp4 58.40M

168. Why feng shui pays close attention to the role of \”water\”.mp4 75.77M

169. What does a feng shui site look like.mp4 110.26M

17. The feng shui of a house with a large tree in front of it?.mp4 115.10M

170. How to distinguish the reality of the house.mp4 104.25M

171. What is the influence of roads on feng shui.mp4 52.60M

172. How to distinguish between love and affection between landscape and water.mp4 77.86M

173. Recognize a few common relentless water encounter of more broken.mp4 79.67M

174. Mountain peaks like peeling for the expensive how to peel for the real expensive.mp4 89.37M

175. What is the five city water and what are the signs of good and bad.mp4 42.74M

176. The feng shui treasures that will be developed in future generations of civil servants and military generals.mp4 90.51M

177. Why should a lucky house have mountains and water.mp4 83.64M

178. How to determine whether the two qi of the mountain and water yin and yang intersect.mp4 79.36M

179. Qian Gua on what characteristics of the northwest Feng Shui need to pay attention to what.mp4 81.93M

18. Water gathering Mingtang wealth water, what does it look like?.mp4 58.08M

180.2019 repair dry northwest house will all be guilty of Taiyang.mp4 155.41M

181. How to read feng shui when there is no real mountain and water in the city.mp4 177.47M

182. What does it mean to open the door to the north east of the burgundy side.mp4 52.19M

183. What is feng shui sentience.mp4 134.89M

184. The Dragon water out of the C Wu can be set up Qianshan Xunxiang.mp4 70.64M

185. Burgundy Gua housing northeast of what feng shui concerns.mp4 52.25M

186. What is feng shui when the luck is lost.mp4 84.30M

187. What is Mingtang in Feng Shui.mp4 175.56M

188. What is the meaning of \”hidden wind\” in feng shui.mp4 84.64M

189. How to choose the day in feng shui.mp4 190.88M

19. Why is a house site surrounded by empty space or facing the street in all directions inauspicious?.mp4 29.44M

190. How to read the Feng Shui row.mp4 160.29M

191. Feng shui master point to the real dragon point land will really be hurt.mp4 92.35M

192. Feng shui orientation is to use the earth or sky.mp4 103.55M

193. Does feng shui directional must use both directional.mp4 98.57M

194. Is the fei xing projection to hit the stove in the prosperous side or the bad side.mp4 150.28M

195. How should I look at the feng shui score row.mp4 198.88M

196. The first thing you need to do is change your birthday.
197. Geography five tips on how to borrow the Lu Ma to quickly promote wealth.mp4 175.43M

198. What are the feng shui instructions for the west of the Tui Gua housing.mp4 70.77M

199. How to use the method of projection of the Earth Mother turn trigram palm.mp4 183.95M

20. What are the effects of different five elements buildings in front of the house?.mp4 42.03M

200. Is the Feng Shui Dragon Ruler really very effective.mp4 181.10M

201. Does a house built in the eighth year need to be re-calculated in the ninth year?
202. Does the house built in the 8th Luck become a bad house in the 9th Luck?.mp4 71.70M

203. What is the best location for the bathroom in the house.mp4 129.12M

204. The feng shui interpretation of burgundy mountain and kun direction.mp4 251.10M

205. What is water proof tang tang evidence point.mp4 80.11M

206. What are the meanings of fire-shaped peaks.mp4 60.26M

207. What are the meanings of gold shaped peaks.mp4 109.72M

208. The feng shui treasure of the developed future generations will come out of the civil and military generals.mp4 107.66M

209. How does the wedding date work.mp4 174.87M

21. What are the aspects that need to be taken into account to choose a good home base?.mp4 71.94M

210. Why should a good house have mountains and water.mp4 92.82M

211. What is the best feng shui for a house facing the nine fortune repair.mp4 151.56M

212. Where should I put the compass to open the fence door.mp4 118.50M

213. Kan Gua housing north of what feng shui precautions.mp4 76.25M

214. Where exactly should I place the compass to see feng shui.mp4 167.38M

215. See how to properly find the feng shui outlet.mp4 148.29M

216. Kun Gua housing southwest of what feng shui precautions.mp4 67.04M

217. See how feng shui according to the sand to divide the six relatives.mp4 149.96M

218. The first thing you need to know about feng shui is the movement of the landscape.mp4 165.00M

219. How to calculate the number of days after the death of an old man.mp4 114.71M

22. What is a broken day?.mp4 42.88M

220. What kind of housing is bad for people and pregnancy?.mp4 55.07M

221. What is the white tiger bane that folk often say is really.mp4 69.16M

222. What are the meanings of wood-shaped peaks? Li Shuanglin.mp4 63.31M

223. On Feng Shui – The Gathering and Scattering of.mp4 99.67M

224. What are the feng shui considerations for the south of the i Gua housing.mp4 136.61M

225. What is the inauspiciousness of the year and the eight characters of heaven and earth.mp4 176.54M

226. Qian Gua on what characteristics of the northwest Feng Shui need to pay attention to what.mp4 93.93M

227. Qianshan Xunxiang (southeast) how the house should be laid out.mp4 149.15M

228. The direction of the house in the end to see the sitting or direction.mp4 209.15M

229. What are the effects of having a transformer in the south.mp4 135.15M

23. What is Sanyuan Jiuyun?.mp4 91.56M

230. Ping Yang Feng Shui how to find the real dragon.mp4 72.57M

231. Qi Men Jia test whether it will really break up.mp4 137.88M

232. How to determine if the yin and yang of the mountain and water intersect.mp4 92.73M

233. How to determine the size of an official through Feng Shui.mp4 94.67M

234. How to calculate the feng shui of the bed to see if your bed is placed correctly.mp4 186.95M

235. How to calculate the true position of wealth and how to arrange the position of wealth.mp4 158.94M

236. How to change the peel for the peel is really expensive.mp4 93.80M

237. What is reflective brakes how to resolve.mp4 74.36M

238. What is the Lone Peak Buster and what are its effects.mp4 53.39M

239. What are the East and West houses and how to tell the fortune.mp4 110.16M

24. How to arrange the flying star of the year?.mp4 88.99M

240. What are the effects of the lonely stars and the few stars.mp4 122.83M

241. What is the horizontal dragon into the first how to end the point to get rich.mp4 131.00M

242. What is Golden Lock and Jade Pass Feng Shui.mp4 135.76M

243. What is sickle feng shui what are the dangers.mp4 90.09M

244. What is Lu Ban Ruler to see feng shui must use Lu Ban Ruler.mp4 146.53M

245. What is buried child braking day what are the effects.mp4 152.19M

246. What are the three brakes how to make the three brakes.mp4 113.00M

247. What is the Death Star and how to calculate it.mp4 108.12M

248. What is the Ten Evil Days of Defeat.mp4 94.53M

249. What is the year broken born on this day of the baby fate are bad.mp4 101.26M

25. How to choose the right floor for you by the sign of the zodiac?.mp4 93.96M

250. What is the five cities of water and what are the signs of good and bad fortune.mp4 44.93M

251. What is heavy mourning how to calculate whether the deceased is guilty of heavy mourning.mp4 76.45M

252. What are the meanings of water-shaped peaks?.mp4 56.31M

253. What is the earth symbol day and how to calculate the day of the compound day.mp4 187.62M

254. What is the best side of the Tianma Mountain.mp4 109.14M

255. What are the meanings of the earth-shaped mountain peaks.mp4 84.73M

256.What is the best fate of a baby born in the month of 2020.mp4 101.54M

257. Will there be five high mountains in the west with white tiger high up.mp4 80.51M

258. Xun Gua housing southeast what Feng Shui precautions.mp4 71.28M

259. How to get gas in the feng shui of Yang house to prosper.mp4 169.43M

26. The most taboo house big head and small tail, the more poor live.mp4 28.55M

260. How to calculate the luck of the year in Yang house feng shui.mp4 165.37M

261. The new house for the heart of the sky whether in the city door side open the door can be.mp4 95.54M

262. What is the influence of the internal and external environment of the house on people.mp4 169.07M

263. How to choose the right house shape.mp4 76.83M

264. How to choose the location of the residence.mp4 164.68M

265. How to open the door of a house facing east to west is best.mp4 307.10M

266. The choice of residential foundation shape these shapes can not be used.mp4 138.02M

267. What are the feng shui precautions in the east of the Zhen Gua housing.mp4 92.63M

268.2019 repair dry northwest house will be guilty of tai yi.mp4 155.41M

269. Can a feng shui bureau change your fate.mp4 145.81M

27. What is reverse bow water and ring water?.mp4 37.45M

270.Analysis of the fortune of the year 2020.mp4 240.89M

271. The house that was built in the eighth year will need to be re-calculated in the ninth year.mp4 47.96M

272. How to read feng shui when there is no real water in the city.mp4 177.47M

273. How to learn feng shui for beginners.mp4 174.28M

274. The first 15 people born on the first day of the year is really a bad life.mp4 54.39M

275. The head of the bed facing west, is it really bad? _1.mp4 115.47M

276.What month is the best fate for babies born in 2020.mp4 101.54M

277. What is the Official Ghost Avian Yao how to see.mp4 220.65M

278. What is mountain peeling and changing how to peel and change to be auspicious.mp4 109.49M

279. Real feng shui explanation what is fallen pulse.mp4 21.06M

28. Can the stove be placed above the windowsill?.mp4 27.13M

280. The direction of the building when the gold is sitting or direction.mp4 209.15M

281. How to find the true dragon.mp4 121.77M

282. What is the second-rate geomancer view of the water mouth.mp4 164.84M

283. Explaining how Yang Gong 72 dragon water method should be used.mp4 225.15M

284. How should the yin and yang of the landscape be divided.mp4 266.32M

285. The correct use of Lai Gong 28 sands elimination method.mp4 273.51M

286. Real life feng shui explanation of what is a falling pulse_HD.mp4 21.06M

287. Feng Shui in the Field: Sharing the Feng Shui of My Old Home_HD.mp4 45.28M

288. Feng Shui on the ground: this kind of mountain can be set up as a point but not as a case mountain.mp4 39.52M

289. Yang house feng shui: how to find the taiji point in a house plan.mp4 40.48M

29. Why must there be water in good feng shui with mountains?.mp4 50.45M

290. General overview of feng shui of Yang house to understand the feng shui of the house.mp4 180.93M

30. What kind of hand is most prosperous?.mp4 50.49M

31. What are the mysteries of dreaming of dead relatives?.mp4 30.85M

32. How should people born in different seasons choose their orientation?.mp4 83.54M

327. Live feng shui explanation of what is the falling pulse Li Shuanglin_HD.mp4 21.06M

328. Feng Shui in the field: sharing the feng shui of my old house Li Shuanglin_HD.mp4 45.28M

329. Feng Shui in the field: this kind of mountain can be used as a cave but not as a case mountain Li Shuanglin_Ultra HD.mp4 39.52M

33. How to promote prosperity through feng shui?.mp4 86.92M

330. How to find the taiji point in the house plan Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 40.48M

331. Yang house feng shui general overview Understanding housing feng shui Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 180.93M

34. How to place the head of the bed is the most auspicious?.mp4 57.55M

35. How does a feng shui master look at feng shui?.mp4 69.65M

36. What is the compass that feng shui masters often use?.mp4 106.51M

37. How to find out the direction of your home by the sign of the zodiac?.mp4 100.02M

38. How to increase the opposite sex through Feng Shui?.mp4 126.25M

39. Near the house to dig a pool must avoid these directions.mp4 117.07M

40. The three houses of the Yang house to the door room stove stove placed in what direction most auspicious.mp4 174.18M

41. The family has a pregnant woman these few million directions can not move easy to cause miscarriage.mp4 129.93M

42.2019 which people lives off the year how to resolve.mp4 78.44M

43. How is the feng shui of the grave monument the most correct.mp4 108.11M

44. Is it true that wearing red clothes in the year of the birth to resolve the Lunar New Year? (below).mp4 68.52M

45. Why female graves have the greatest impact on future generations and what are the mysteries.mp4 35.20M

46. What direction is the Wenchang position in 2019.mp4 35.80M

47. What is the Five Star Peak and what does it mean.mp4 64.15M

48. How to open the front door of your house what are the feng shui instructions.mp4 82.09M

49. What are the taboos of placing shoe cabinets at the entrance.mp4 37.36M

50. The top of the ear piercing will really lead to broken wealth.mp4 61.09M

51. What is the feng shui role of the twenty-four mountains.mp4 49.31M

52. What is the meaning of the line out of the trigram and the mountain and direction.mp4 63.26M

53. Feng Shui in the \”four spirits\” refers to what.mp4 66.18M

54. What is the feng shui saying on the stairs when you enter the door.mp4 35.09M

55. If the sun does not shine in the house, it is a yin house.mp4 35.31M

56. What is the biggest impact of the feng shui of the yang and yin houses.mp4 51.71M

57. How about the feng shui of a house in the direction of the decanter.mp4 82.84M

58. What is the relationship between the five elements.mp4 71.35M

59. What parts of the body correspond to the five elements.mp4 68.00M

60. What is the relationship between the five elements and the colors and directions.mp4 55.42M

61. What are the meanings of the nine stars in Feng Shui.mp4 101.12M

62. What is Qi Men Dun Jia Prediction.mp4 69.23M

63. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.
64. What is the effect of the road outside the house on feng shui.mp4 66.68M

65. How about a big tree in the center of the house yard.mp4 66.25M

66. What is the feng shui role of the fence and what is the right situation to repair the fence.mp4 87.04M

67. How to resolve a chimney or minaret near your house.mp4 71.02M

68. What are the dangers of a house lacking a northwest corner and how to remedy it.mp4 87.81M

69. The house of the yang to the yin side of the yin house to the yang side of the justified.mp4 59.40M

70. What is the use of the Tian De Fang projection.mp4 46.89M

71. Is the kitchen in the north not in accordance with the law of feng shui.mp4 87.82M

72. What is the opening of the accounts in feng shui.mp4 75.57M

73. What are the dangers of having a beam on the bed and how to resolve it.mp4 105.11M

74. What are the risks of having a beam on your bed and how to solve them.mp4 68.01M

75. What are the effects of a kitchen in the northwest of the home.mp4 93.33M

76. The most important thing to know is that you can\’t be sure of what you\’re doing.
77. What are the folk methods of choosing the day we should choose.mp4 135.35M

78. How to calculate the luck of the dream when you have a strange dream.mp4 72.86M

79. The fate of people born on the Gengzi day is really bad.mp4 71.99M

80. Many celebrities have ponds in front of their homes so is it necessarily good feng shui to have a pond.mp4 65.37M

81. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.
82. The feng shui master can look at feng shui without a compass is it true.mp4 112.42M

83. What is Feng Shui and how do we use it.mp4 164.80M

84. What is feng shui and how should we eliminate sand.mp4 106.28M

85. How to choose the feng shui of the yin house and what to pay attention to.mp4 119.81M

86. What is yellow spring water yellow spring party see water is really a big evil.mp4 77.91M

87. How to use the Yang Gong 72 Dragon Water Law.mp4 153.57M

88. How is the feng shui of the house sitting in the southwest to the northeast after the ninth transport.mp4 206.79M

89. Is there any harm in telling someone the eight characters.mp4 73.44M

90. Why the Yin house will affect future generations.mp4 79.85M

91. What is the most correct way to change the heart of heaven in Feng Shui.mp4 57.92M

92. How to use the twelve long life water method upwards.mp4 161.41M

93. About the problem of the direction of both how to both to be very lucky.mp4 121.75M

94. What is the best direction to place a fish tank in your home.mp4 111.92M

95. On the characteristics and views of the four tomb vaults.mp4 113.56M

96. The feng shui of the range on the Taizu mountain less ancestral mountain parents mountain.mp4 141.27M

97. Dragon pointing to see the five colors of taiji earth must be the real point how to prove the point.mp4 67.28M

98. How to line up the flying star disk in the basics of Feng Shui.mp4 103.53M

Beginners know what is compass Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 189.68M

How to make a feng shui tablet for a grave?
The feng shui of the grave monument how to stand is the most correct Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 79.69M

What are the meanings of the nine stars in feng shui Li Shuanglin_超清(1).mp4 65.10M

What are the meanings of the nine stars in feng shui Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 65.10M

The problem about the direction of how to be able to be a great luck Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 87.15M

The family has a pregnant woman these few million directions can not move easy to cause miscarriage Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 92.96M

The secret of Feng Shui in the operation of the Dragon Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 157.77M

The fence door should be open where under the compass Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 118.50M

On the characteristics and views of the four tomb vaults Li Shuanglin_HD.mp4 37.19M

What are the folk methods of choosing the day how should we choose Li Shuanglin_HD.mp4 58.38M

What are the hazards of a tombstone standing in the direction of an empty death Li Shuanglin_HD.mp4 99.68M

What are the housing losses and unfavorable to pregnancy? Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 55.07M

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.
How to analyze children luck from eight characters Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 116.77M

The experience of using the twelve inverted staff method of shrinking staff method Li Shuanglin1_超清.mp4 196.77M

What is the day of the earth and how to calculate the day of the complex Li Shuanglin1_超清.mp4 187.62M

Field feng shui: explain the feng shui of Broken Head Mountain Tianma Mountain Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 120.81M

Real-world feng shui: standing direction must avoid the dragon and tiger fronts Li Shuanglin_HD.mp4 28.94M

Realistic feng shui explanation Li Shuanglin_1_超清.mp4 54.37M

The feng shui of the real-life range Li Shuanglin_Ultra-clear.mp4 54.37M

What is the best direction to face the head of the bedroom bed Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 182.89M

Upward twelve long life water law should be how to use Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 228.26M

Learning auxiliary star water method should how to use Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 173.46M

The first thing you need to do is to learn how to use the method.
The feng shui of the Yang house: these types of households are very unfavorable for long-term residence Li Shuanglin_HD.mp4 33.04M

The house of Yang should be to the yin side The house of Yin should be to the yang side is justified Li Shuanglin_Super Clear.mp4 42.69M

Where should the yang house be under the compass Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 191.51M

The feng shui case where the husband is weak and incompetent and the wife is cheating leading to divorce Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 117.52M

How to calculate the luck of the dream mirror after having a strange dream Li Shuanglin_超清.mp4 49.24M

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