Liu Bingliang’s Collection of Good Names

xz2100133 Liu Bingliang’s Collection of Good Names

It is better to give a child a skill than to give a daughter a thousand gold; to give a good name to a child is better to give a skill to a child. This book uses a large number of examples to teach you how to name a name and how to name it well. “The Book of Good Names” details the subtle influence of names on life. The Book of Good Names has five characteristics: authoritativeness, comprehensiveness, interest, novelty, and practicability. It is a good book that friends at home and abroad must read in their life and work. Enlighten the mystery to observe the misfortunes and blessings, and observe the success or failure by matching the name and the reality. Learn the methods of Chinese and foreign names, and master the skills of auspicious logo design. Familiar with the folk culture of names and surnames, and understand the interesting facts about celebrity names and name changes. Auspicious names accompanies you to travel the world, and good luck accompanies Cointreau for a lifetime. The editor recommends that the editor broadcasts that it is better to give a son a thousand gold than to give a son a skill; it is better to give a son a good name than to give a son a skill. This book uses a large number of examples to teach you how to name a name and how to name it well. “The Book of Good Names” details the subtle influence of names on life. The Book of Good Names has five characteristics: authoritativeness, comprehensiveness, interest, novelty, and practicability. It is a good book that friends at home and abroad must read in their life and work. Enlighten the mystery to observe the misfortunes and blessings, and observe the success or failure by matching the name and the reality. Learn the methods of Chinese and foreign names, and master the skills of auspicious logo design. Familiar with the folk culture of names and surnames, and understand the interesting facts about celebrity names and name changes. Auspicious names accompanies you to travel the world, and good luck accompanies Cointreau for a lifetime. Author brief editor broadcast born in 1969, master of I Ching from the International Book of Changes Research Institute, devoted to the research of Book of Changes, name science, and geographical environment ecology for more than ten years. He has participated in many international and domestic I Ching seminars. He has published many papers such as “Name and Life”, “Heluo Fengshui and Modern Home Interior Layout”. And successively published works such as “Eternal Heluo Fengshui Golden Mirror”, “Home Prosperity”, “Good Name Collection”, “Good Boys and Good Names”. Catalog Editing and Broadcasting Chapter 1 Chinese Name Culture General Knowledge Section 1 Historical Changes of Surnames 1. Surnames in Matriarchal Clan Era 2. Surnames in Slave Society (Legend of the Five Emperors—Western Zhou Dynasty) 3. Surnames in Early Feudal Society (Warring States——Qin and Han Dynasties) Period) 4. Surnames in the middle and late period of feudal society (Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties – Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties) 5. Surnames in modern times (Qing Dynasty – present) Section 2. Types of names 1. The meaning of names 2. Basic attributes of names 3. Ancient people 4. Other common sense about names Section 3 Introduction to “Hundred Surnames” 1. The origin of “Hundred Surnames” 2. Classification of origins of “Hundred Surnames” 3. “Hundred Surnames” of modern people? Chapter Five Segmentation Naming Method Section 1 How to Use the Five Segmentation Method Relationship table of social ability Section 7 Relationship table of three talents configuration Mathematics and science Chapter 3 Relationship between Bagua, Five Elements and Name Section 1 Bagua and Name Section 2 Formation of the relationship between Bagua and Name Meaning and Names Section Five Five Elements Theory of Body and Health Chapter Four Ancient and Modern Naming Methods in detail Section 2 Naming method with sound and rhyme 1. Tone 2. Pay attention to the combination of initials and finals. Section 3. Naming method with homonyms. Three characters for the name 2. Extract two or three main characters from the idiom as the name 3. Use the idiom as the name. Section 6. Naming method using allusions 1. Utilizing allusions in ancient poems and prose 2. Utilizing allusions in ancient person names and place names Section 7 Naming method by citing poems and essays 1, Ancient prose selection method 2, Poetry excerpt method Section 8 Hope naming method The habit of naming the word “Section 2 The naming of the word “bad” makes people uneasy Section 3 The naming of the word “bad” makes people negative The name of the section should not cause ambiguity. Section 7. Avoid naming “derogatory” characters. Section 8. The naming of “arrogant” characters is offensive. The name of the word “complex and difficult”. It is a lot of trouble. Section 12. The word “weird” is rare. Section 13. The name of the word “excessive” is not recommended. Section 14. People are negative Section 16 The name of the word “straightforward” is too shallow Section 17 The name of the word “shallow” has no deep meaning Section 18 The name of the word “cheesy” is too old-fashioned Section 19 The name should reflect gender Section 20 China People need to use Chinese names. Chapter 6 Change name resolutely and lead to success. Section 1. Aspects of name change. Section 2. Method of name change. Section 3. Legal regulations for name change. Chapter 7. Principles and techniques for naming enterprises. Section 2: New techniques for naming companies 1. Understand the factors involved in product naming 2. Master some methods of naming companies Appreciation of successful cases 1. The birth of the British car brand “Metro” 2. Wahaha—Inspiration from Xinjiang nursery rhymes 3. Tongrentang—a time-honored brand with profound meaning 4. The name of “Moutai” in Kweichow comes from the place name Section 3 Start the corporate brand Section 4 The status quo of Chinese brands 1. Trademarks are the “top priority” 2. There are only 2 million trademarks among 10 million enterprises 3. Trademark warnings Section 5 Good Brand Judgment Standard 1, Brand Personalization Standard 2, International Standard 3, Callability Standard 4, Recognizability Standard 5, Aesthetic Standard 6, Cultural Connotation Standard Successful Case Appreciation 1. “Robust” legend 2. The origin of the brand name of “Coca-Cola” Section 6 Appreciation of successful examples of a good brand leading the way 1. History of the Rise and Fall of Brother Brands of Ford Motor Company in the United States 2. “Exxon” – the most expensive name change so far ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/Guoxue/20230315131607_88775.jpg” alt=”” />

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