Gao Shuanxiang’s “Name Change” 290 pages

Download the 290-page PDF electronic version of Mr. Gao Shuanxiang’s gossip and Yi Li series “Name Yi”. Introduction “Name Yi” was successfully researched by me in 1993 by chance. I am taking care of my wife in the hospital. I am reading a four-pillar prediction book “Shenfeng Tongkao”. A person in the same ward asked me to tell his fortune,…

Download the 290-page PDF electronic version of Teacher Gao Shuanxiang’s Bagua Yili series “Name Yi”.


“Name Yi” was successfully researched by me in 1993 by chance. I am taking care of my wife in the hospital. I am reading a book called “Shenfeng Tongkao”, a book on four-pillar forecasting. A person in the same ward asked me to tell his fortune. There was no perpetual calendar at the time, so I had to say you write a word, and he would Write down his name. I made a hexagram with my name, and after reading it, I said: “Your home is Ximiangao; you are a driver; your injury was a car accident; you have had more than one car accident this year, and this is the second time!” He said; “Yes Ah, it’s the second time.” I went on to say, “You got divorced this year; your wife has a round face; she’s very white and loves to talk and laugh.” He said that his personality didn’t match and he divorced in February this year. Later, the news of his fortune-telling spread in the hospital, and everyone said that my prediction was very accurate. One day, more than 100 people come to me for prediction. Later, I found out the experience through summarizing and researching these cases, and wrote this book “Name Yi”.

Namology is mathematics. We look at a person’s name from the perspective of easy learning, and each stroke is a kind of five elements. “The hexagrams are made up of numbers, and the number is shown by the hexagrams”, which means that the gossip is composed of numbers. Similarly, gossip also shows the information of numbers. Numbers are the five elements, and different numbers emit different energies. It is an information library that receives information every time it is written, and over time forms an information network.

The name is not only affected by conditions such as history, region, environment, life, traditional thinking and culture. The impact of estimation, living in this multi-element five elements all the year round, also created his fate and physical condition and so on.

The glyphs written by a person can represent his personality, identity, living environment and situation. This book uses the gossip theory of “Easy to Learn Bagua Xiangshu” to analyze, study and summarize the laws of different types of things such as matching and mixing between any types of things. In this book, names and information about them are written Summarized by the interpretation of hexagram numbers, hexagram symbols, and line images.

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