Qin Ruisheng, “Indian Astrology: Accurately Interpreting Innate Patterns and Determining Destiny Trends”

Qin Ruisheng’s “Indian Astrology: Accurately Interpreting Innate Patterns and Determining Destiny Trends” PDF e-book download. INTRODUCTION Indian astrologers believe that the planets are the representative factors of the universe, governing all areas of human life and the evolution of consciousness. Much of what we do is dictated by the nature of the planet that governs us…

Qin Ruisheng’s “Indian Astrology: Accurately Interpreting Innate Patterns and Determining Destiny Trends” PDF e-book download.


Indian astrologers believe that the planets are the representative factors of the universe, and they govern all areas of human life and the evolution of consciousness. Much of our behavior is influenced by the nature of the planet that governs us. People’s fate is good or bad, and it is naturally attributed to the good and bad of the planets. Indian astrologers also believe that the order of the celestial bodies echoes the secular events of the earth, thus describing the interaction of all phenomena in the universe. Indian astrology is also called “Vedic astrology”. Indian astrology is deeply influenced by Vedic culture and Indian mythology, and discussions often involve the interpretation of mythological stories. Later, Alexander the Great conquered the East, and Greek astrological culture began to spread to India along with the conquest, and communicated with it; in the middle of the second century AD, the sophisticated Greek horoscope was introduced, which made Indian astrological culture develop by leaps and bounds, and developed into what we see today. appearance. Different from Western modern astrology which focuses on the discussion of personal psychological characteristics, Indian astrology is similar to Western classical astrology, which focuses on interpreting and judging personal fortune. However, Indian astrology pays more attention to the movement of the moon and the north and south nodes, and has developed unique systems such as the complex “Vargas”, “Yogas” and “Universal System”, which can provide more accurate insight into fate. Mastering the innate pattern and deducing the trend of life’s destiny is the essence of his judgment. The content of Indian astrology is complex and complex, and Chinese cultural materials have always been rarely seen in China, and there are no complete works or discussions. The author of this book, Qin Ruisheng, is both a well-known master of Western classical astrology and Indian astrology in China. I came into contact with Indian astrology more than 20 years ago, and was inspired to learn by correspondence with an Indian astrologer, and began to collect a large number of related works at home and abroad, research and compile data, and devoted 20 years of hard work to complete “Indian Astrology”. The structure of this book is rigorous and the content is solid. This book starts from the development history of Indian astrology to help readers understand the background. Then organize it with clear titles and key points, supplemented by a large number of pictures and tables, explain the profound things in simple terms, and fully explain the horoscope, house system, house division chart, twelve constellations of the zodiac, twenty-seven constellations in India, good and bad luck and power of planets, planetary combinations, Important expositions of Indian astrology such as the Universiade system and planetary transits. At the same time, the author also cites a large number of precious and rare cases of celebrities in the East and the West, such as Mao Zedong, Wang Yongqing, Leslie Cheung, John Kennedy, Princess Diana, Bill Gates, etc., and uses examples to correspond to theories to help readers quickly understand the connotation of Indian astrology . This book fills the vacancy of related Chinese works in this field, and breaks through the shortcomings of Chinese market research and discussion. It is definitely the first heavyweight professional guide in Chinese version, and it is indispensable for students who are interested in learning Indian astrology. classic. Indian astrology leads us to locate our unique innate pedigree in the vast starry sky. Understand the rank and destiny of birth. See the pattern of destiny with a more macro perspective.

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