Wang Jianping’s “Auspicious Auspicious Art for the Imperial Use of Heavenly Stars”

PDF e-book download of Wang Jianping’s Auspicious Auspicious Technique for the Imperial Use of Heavenly Stars. Content Abstract The way of choosing auspiciousness has a long history and a long history since the sages of the Han and Tang Dynasties released Di. Throughout the ages, whether emperors, generals or ordinary people, whenever a wedding or funeral ceremony or burial event occurs, they must carefully choose an auspicious day to handle things carefully. Choosing a day is one of the most important…

Wang Jianping’s “Emperor’s Auspicious Auspicious Art” download PDF e-book.

Content Summary

The way of choosing auspiciousness has a long history and a long history since the sages of the Han and Tang Dynasties released Di. Regardless of the emperors, generals or ordinary people in the past dynasties, when it comes to weddings, funerals, ceremonies and burials, they must carefully choose an auspicious day to deal with things carefully. The choice of a day is to capture the essence of the sun and the moon, and to gather the aura of the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers. Emperors and generals choose auspiciousness to seek the continuation of blessings, the continuation of the country and the country, common people choose auspiciousness to seek wealth and peace, thousands of people agree with one mind, and ten thousand households come from one heart. All in all, choosing auspiciousness is nothing more than seeking auspiciousness and avoiding evil, welcoming auspiciousness and accepting blessings. People in the world are engaged in geography and day-choosing professions. There are many schools and styles, and there are even unlearned and inexperienced people who know nothing about dragon caves and mountains, and they have never heard of Xuankong Liqi. They hold a general book in their hands. In which month of the year, He Shan’s family was greatly profitable, so he went to bury people. Woohoo! Like this method of choosing auspiciousness, I am afraid that if you pray for blessings, disasters will come before blessings come. Looking at the market, although there are many schools of choosing auspiciousness, most of them are two schools of choice and destiny. The choice is based on the mountain family, the main destiny, and the five elements of the five elements of the year, month, day, and year. … are all based on Ziping’s numerology of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five behaviors, based on the theory of decline, prosperity, and restraint, and stick to many gods and evil spirits. The School of Destiny chooses the auspicious angles of the sun, moon, five stars and the twenty-four mountain families, and then chooses an auspicious time to create a life for the living or the dead. In charge of good fortune, not sticking to gods and evil spirits. The purpose of Tianxing to create destiny is to use the heavenly star, the four pillars, the stems and branches to make up the mountain, and the combination of life and destiny.

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