Weng Fuyu’s “Ziwei Interpretation Part 4 – Fighting Numbers to Protect the Dharma”

Weng Fuyu’s “Ziwei’s Interpretation: The Four-Doushu Protector” PDF e-book download. Introduction In recent years, in some TV programs and numerology books, we often see too many misleading numerology theories, especially Ziwei Doushu theory. His remarks are not only superficial, but also unconstrained and full of gossip. The person who spoke was full of complacency, and the person who wrote it was full of vigor. at last

Weng Fuyu’s “Ziwei’s Interpretation: The Four-Doushu Protector” PDF e-book download.


In recent years, in some TV programs and numerology books, we often see too many misleading numerology theories, especially Ziwei Doushu theory. His remarks are not only superficial, but also unconstrained and full of gossip. The person who spoke was full of complacency, and the person who wrote it was full of vigor. Finally, it is followed by selling some beautiful, magical, lucky, luck-changing dzi beads, stones, rings, amulets, blessings, and magnetic waves to improve luck and fortune. Their purpose is nothing more than to attract people, and they have no good intentions. The author is afraid that they will affect the concept of Ziwei Doushu numerology lovers, so he especially quotes the fate charts in the works of several so-called numerology masters in the market as inference cases; writes how to use the three-yi combination of Doushu Sihua to cross the palace One method of fate analysis, different analysis and discussion, so that those who are predestined or interested can use it as a reference for research and comparison. There are many ways to analyze fortunes, and there are differences among schools, but fate must follow the principles and norms of numerology, and you should not play tricks or show off scientific logic for the sake of popularity and pretentiousness. Because science is science, and numerology is numerology. But science and numerology lead to the same goal by different routes, and numerology is absolutely in line with science, even more scientific than science. Science uses the known (specimen) to find the unknown, and numerology also uses the known (birthday) to find the unknown. Science relies on evidence, and numerology relies on experience. Numerology is based on the natural laws of the five elements in the universe and the magnetic wave induction generated by the rotation of the planets. Science can never exist against the laws of nature. Forcibly applying the logic of science to the logic of numerology is not only difficult for others, but also unreasonable. This is scientific superstition. In Taiwan, there is a self-proclaimed layman, the author of Doushu books, who arrogantly said that if there is no such a person in this world, the achievements of Taiwan’s numerology today may be no different from the Great Song Empire a thousand years ago. And he said boldly: According to the Buddhist concept of returning with a wish, he may be the reincarnation of Chen Xiyi or Xu Ziping. Between the lines, even sages such as Chen Xiyi not only doubted, but also denied it. Everyone has a piece of sky above their head, and a piece of ground under their feet. To say that the sky above other people’s heads is not the sky, and that the ground on which others stand is not the ground, makes people really want to call him “booger”. Arrogance does not break the law, no one is complacent, and others can’t control it, but is it tolerable to abuse the sages and despise the same way? It is really pitiful that there are such people in the numerology world. Chinese mountain medicine fortune-telling is part of the inherent culture, and it must be passed on orally, and the teacher is famous, and it is absolutely impossible to learn without a teacher. Those who talk nonsense relying on their own subjective cognition, in the eyes of the author, are simply boring. Since you call yourself a “layman”, what does a layman mean? It is a monk at home. It doesn’t matter if you don’t practice well at home and feel bored, but you can’t deny the numerology circles in Taiwan just because you are bored. He even put gold on his own face, saying that today’s achievements in Taiwan’s numerology circle are all due to him alone. This generation simply deserves to be scolded. The author uses his fate example and uses the method of the real Sihua Flying Palace to solve the problem. In order to kill his vigor and destroy his prestige! The author has something to say, but I don’t know this layman, and I don’t have any qualms about it. I just want to maintain the academic arguments and arguments of Luoyang Yiyuan Ziwei Doushu Flying Stars and Four Modernizations. Whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, it remains to be judged by fellow numerologists who have the aspirations and fate to read this book. The author has studied and studied Ziwei Doushu Flying Star Secret Ritual and Yi Li Yi Shu Namology under the mentor of Li Canyang (Zi Yang), the authentic master of Da Yi Yuan, for 16 years so far. Previously, I learned Ziping Bazi and Yi Gua from Dr. Chen Yikui, a master of numerology; I learned acupuncture and moxibustion medical skills from Mr. Zhou Zuoyu, a veteran in the acupuncture and moxibustion industry; After 20 years of exposure to Zhuanyan’s five arts theory, I would never dare to say that I am self-taught without a teacher. During my study and research, because I worked in the police force, especially when I served in the criminal police station before retirement, I was exposed to many large and small criminal cases, many suspects, and many victims. In addition, because of the relationship of supporting the case, I had the opportunity to contact the criminal units of the whole province, many long palaces, colleagues, and classmates. These horoscopes are all materials researched and verified by the author. The author’s purpose of learning Dou Shu Si Hua Fa De is not to make a living, but purely as a hobby. Unintentionally discovering the principles of evolution and change based on the divinatory chart of fate, it can be used to study and judge the facts of criminal cases, and it can also be used as a tool to break through the defense of suspects during interrogation, and the success rate is quite high. This kind of experience and harvest can be said to be unintentional. The idea of writing this book came up by accident, because I often contact some people in the society who are very interested in numerology, but they have a lot of criticism on the discussion of Dou Shu’s works in the market. It also provides many volumes of works that advertise the four modernizations, and I ask the author to read them. The author found that some authors took the meaning out of context, and some authors didn’t know how to use the angle of the four-hua flying star, let alone how to use the combination of three changes to get the image, so they flew around in disorder. So the idea of writing a book “Dou Shu Dharma Protection” to guide the rectification arose leisurely. The title of the book “Dharma Guardian” is the correct way to protect Doushu Sihua Flying Stars. Although there is a sentence in the teacher’s training for apprenticeship: “There are many strange people and strangers in the world, don’t be complacent and complacent, and absorb the strengths of others with humility.” There is another one in it: “It is strictly forbidden to indiscriminately spread the academic knowledge of our sect to disciples who do not take the oath of our sect.” However, the author believes that pointing out mistakes and correcting ideas is by no means proud, let alone complacent. In order to guide the concept of the application of the four modernizations, some inference methods of the integration of the three changes have to be revealed. Those who can understand will always understand, and those who can’t understand will definitely be confused. There should be no problem of spreading rumors. Teacher Ziyang should not blame it. In the book, the questions and answers and examples of books in the market are borrowed as the author’s comparison of different angles, expositions, and dialectics. The article seems to be murderous and full of sparks, but it is purely the author’s “theoretical numerology” and “numerology theory”. If there are clerical mistakes or errors in exposition in this book, I hope that the sages of the society will forgive and correct them.

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