Weng Fuyu’s “Ziwei’s Interpretation of Sixth-Dou Shu Zhengyan”

Weng Fuyu’s “Ziwei’s Interpretation: Six – Doushu Zhengyan” PDF e-book download. Introduction Numerology functions similar to weather forecasting and healthcare. The reason why numerology exists, just like other sciences, requires an attitude of seeking knowledge and continuous verification, and it can be deduced freely after years and years, and become usable knowledge in life and wisdom in dealing with things. Numerology is like outside

Weng Fuyu’s “Ziwei’s Interpretation: Six – Doushu Zhengyan” PDF e-book download.


The function of numerology is similar to weather forecast and medical care. The reason why numerology exists, just like other sciences, requires an attitude of seeking knowledge and continuous verification, and it can be deduced freely after years and years, and become usable knowledge in life and wisdom in dealing with things. Numerology is like a surgeon’s scalpel, it can save people or kill people. Workers engaged in numerology consultation must take humanistic care and bodhisattva’s compassion as the main axis, use the basic theory of knowledge as the main axis, eliminate illusory titles, let numerology truly play a positive role, and help seekers understand the orientation of their lives and show Take advantage of your own advantages, avoid exposing your shortcomings, try to adjust your own steps, and create a future fortune with all your heart. A decent numerologist will not over-package himself. A lot of “chairman”, “columnist”, “double master, doctor” titles that bluff laymen are basically a manifestation of his own lack of confidence, and Obsessed with bluffing empty appearances, just want to seduce people with titles and narcissism. Numerology is just analyzing possible signs according to the logical theory of Yi-Li, and guiding human beings to observe the universe and how to comply with the one-thousandth law of nature. Although fortune-telling is indeed quite credible, but apart from believing, the most important thing is not to forget that your own efforts are the real way to success. If one is overjoyed when one hears auspiciousness and dejected when one hears bad news, then it is better not to believe at all. The Buddhist scriptures say that there are fixed laws and uncertain laws in this world, all actions are impermanent, everything is changing, and everything will pass. Every life will return to extinction, and everything will become empty. The so-called fixed law is the main definite number, and the indeterminate law is the main indefinite number. In terms of numerology, definite number is innate fate, while indefinite number is acquired environmental factors and personal efforts. The Buddha himself does not agree with fatalism, and believes that everyone’s acquired luck can be changed, so there is the study of fate. To learn fortune-telling, try to unlock the code of life according to the Yili wisdom accumulated from the experience of our ancient Chinese sages and sages! Learning fortune-telling does not have to be for the purpose of opening a fortune-telling business! It should be to let yourself know what to advance and retreat and avoid! You might as well regard your horoscope as a weather station, and observe the route of your life journey at any time. You will be able to predict when it will be sunny or rainy? When will there be turbulence? In this way, you can grasp your own direction and choose an environment suitable for your own living conditions, and your life will be full of hope. Personally, I don’t know how to package, I don’t like packaging, and I disdain illusory titles to bluff people. I insist on not being in the same class as those current masters who regard themselves as gods, talk unsurprisingly, flatter horses, and only seek profit. Therefore, after retiring from the public office, I have been adhering to the attitude of resignation and non-indulgence. In addition to teaching the Doushu Flying Star Secret Ritual interpretation course, I have been planning to use the 12 palaces of the Doushu horoscope as different stems and branches and different hexagram positions for each house. How to deduce the difference between good and bad, how to judge the pattern, so that those who are interested in Ziwei Doushu numerology can further appreciate the charm of pushing fate, but it is simple to say, but it is not easy to realize it! ? The title of this book is “Dou Shu Zheng Yan”, hoping that those who are interested in the study of numerology or those who blindly flaunt science and put science in command, can use the “right” and “normal” psychology of research knowledge to “righteously” “Seeing “correct” numerology knowledge is also a force that stabilizes the hearts of the society. It can “sightly” look at the wisdom crystallization “Ziwei Doushu” passed down from the sages of our country. Wei Doushu Da Yiyuan authentic flying star secret rites and numerology, one day it will be able to enter the hall of elegance! May fellows who also have “righteous” thoughts point out “righteousness” and encourage each other!

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