Lou Zhongliang’s “Cancer Counting” page 258

Lou Zhongliang’s “Cancer Counting” uses big data, five luck and six qi, and I Ching gossip to treat cancer before it happens! 258-page PDF e-book download. (For content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below.) Introducing the best-selling book “Sickness Computing” TCM doctor ── Lou Zhongliang, combining modern big data and ancient TCM wisdom; teaching you to calculate your cancer-prone constitution, and prevent it in advance! ▌Cancer Module

Lou Zhongliang’s “Cancer Counting” uses big data, five luck and six qi, and I Ching gossip to treat cancer before it happens! 258-page PDF e-book download. (Please refer to the screenshot below for content clarity)


The best-selling book “Successive Diseases” TCM physician–Lou Zhongliang, blending modern times Big data and ancient TCM wisdom; teach you to calculate your cancer-prone physique, and prevent it with early health care! ▌Cancer module calculates the possibility of cancer Dr. Lou Zhongliang delved into ancient medicine and meteorological wisdom such as “Book of Changes”, “Huangdi Neijing” and “Five Movements and Six Qi”, and developed a large number of cases accumulated over the years with big data statistics. Unique analysis system. He summarized cancer risk factors into six points, namely: congenital weak viscera, five luck and six qi, body gossip, I Ching code, cancer threshold and negative emotions; the more matching factors, the greater the chance of getting cancer. The book analyzes various factors in detail, leads readers to find out their own constitution, and understand the common diseases of this constitution. ▌The risk of cancer can be seen from the palm prints. Cancer is a silent killer. Usually it is too late for symptoms to appear. However, Chinese medicine believes that palm prints can reflect the viscera and disease conditions; I found clues in the palm prints. This book is accompanied by a large number of photos and cases to explain the changes in palm prints caused by different cancers, so that readers can pay attention to them in daily life. ▌Create an exclusive anti-cancer program based on your physique. Cancer prevention means health preservation, which can boost the body’s yang energy and improve immunity; pay attention to abstinence in diet and work and rest, and improve the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, so as to prevent cancer from coming to your door. The book also introduces different anti-cancer health regimens, including simple and easy diet methods, suggestions for daily life, various acupoint massages, and health-preserving herbal diets. Readers can choose the most suitable health regimen according to their personal physical conditions.

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