Chongtian Layman Li Chunwen “Ci Ling Sends the Soul of the Dead” page 298

Download the 298-page PDF e-book “Song Ling Sends the Dead Soul” by Chongtian Layman Li Chunwen. (For content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below) Preamble Funeral is a kind of culture. An integral part of traditional culture in the history of funeral culture. Mourning refers to the etiquette of mourning the dead, and burial refers to the way of placing the body of the deceased. Funeral is a ceremonial way for the living to the dead. History of Funeral Culture Along with Human Civilization

The 298-page PDF e-book download of Li Chunwen, the soaring layman, “Song Ling Sends the Dead Soul”. (Content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below)


Funeral is a kind of culture. An integral part of traditional culture in the history of funeral culture. Mourning refers to the etiquette of mourning the dead, and burial refers to the way of placing the body of the deceased. Funeral is a ceremonial way for the living to the dead. The history of funeral culture begins with the beginning of human civilization, and changes with the development and changes of different periods and regions. The funeral etiquette of each nation is also different. The content of funeral culture is very rich, including funeral concepts, funeral customs, funeral forms, funeral categories, and related philosophical views, views on life and death, views on history, and so on. Chinese funeral culture is mainly influenced by Yin-Yang thought and Confucian filial piety culture. Yin and Yang are called Tao. The living are Yang and the dead are Yin. Therefore, the funeral culture industry follows the law of life and death. Think of yin and yang as a mutually grounded unity. Yang comes from yin, and yin goes from yang. Ancient Chinese people believed that although people cannot be resurrected after death, their souls are immortal, and they can come back to the yang world through reincarnation. Modern science shows that the three basic elements that make up the universe are matter, information and energy. Matter can change from one structural form to another, but matter itself is immortal, and energy can also be transformed from one form to another. Energy itself is also immortal. Similarly, information is also Can only be transformed from one form to another, but Xin Zong itself is indestructible. This is true for any system, ranging from cosmic bodies to small individuals.

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