“Zhu Youke”, “Secrets and Strange Books”, five volumes of Qianyuan Henryzhen in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties

“Zhu Youke” “Secrets and Strange Books” Qianyuan Henry Zhen five volumes banknotes in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties PDF Yixue Ancient Books e-book download. Brief introduction “Zhu Youke” or “Secret Secret Book” is a rare banknote at home and abroad. “Zhu Youke” has five volumes, which are not divided into volumes, but the covers are divided into Qian, Yuan, Heng, Li, and Zhen volumes. The first volume says: “The original stele of this book has been included in the Thirteen Sections of the Imperial Compilation in the thirteenth year of Emperor Kangxi’s reign.

“Zhu Youke”, “Secrets and Strange Books”, five volumes of Qianyuan Henryzheng in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties PDF Yixue Ancient Books e-book download.


“Zhu Youke” or “Secrets and Strange Books” is a rare banknote at home and abroad. “Zhu Youke” has five volumes, which are not divided into volumes, but the covers are divided into Qian, Yuan, Heng, Li, and Zhen volumes. The foreword says: “The original stele of this book has been included in the 13th Division of the Imperial Compilation in the thirteenth year of Kangxi’s reign, and Mr. Xu Zhuo in the sixth year of Qianlong’s reign is still there.” This shows that this book was completed before the early Qing Dynasty. Its main content is numerology and spells (contains a lot of spells). Zhu You Branch, also known as: Zhu You, Zhu You Shu, Mantra Ban Branch, Thirteen Branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc., is one of the Thirteen Branches of Chinese Medicine in ancient times. The method of wishing you, that is, including Chinese herbal medicine, is a method of treating diseases with the help of spells and prohibition. “Wish” is the curse, and “by” is the cause of the disease. The concept of “Zhu You” is very broad, including forbidden methods, mantras, wish methods, talisman methods, as well as suggestion therapy, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, music therapy, etc. It is not just wishing for the cure of the disease. Qi Bo said in the “Nei Jing” chapter on the wind of thieves: “The shaman knows the victory of all diseases, and the one who foresaw the disease from which the disease will be born, can only be blessed.” Can’t go deep, so you can move the essence and wish you nothing more. Today’s people are empty, evil, and evil, and the bone marrow of the five viscera is inside, and the skin is wounded, so minor illnesses are bound to worsen, and serious illnesses are bound to die, so I wish you can’t do it. From this point of view, The method of wishing you is just because of the cause of the illness, to express the meaning and guide the qi, so as to solve the doubts and doubts.” Talismans and mantras are referred to as mantras for short, and are now exclusively used in Taoism. The purpose of far harm, suppression and exorcism. Symbol is made up of picture or text or picture text. Mantras are used for self-encouragement, blessings to gods, summoning gods to dispatch generals, exorcising ghosts and curing illnesses, spelling, and formulas used by practitioners to store their thoughts and guide their practice. Most of them are composed of four or six rhymes. A Sanskrit mantra. A large number of existing incantations are “no incantations”, that is, only incantations are read without drawing incantations. The content involves divination, selection of acupuncture points and depth of needle insertion in acupuncture and moxibustion, seeking good luck, wealth, changing fate, dream spells, encountering unlucky spells, getting up, washing face, haircut, eating, seeing natural phenomena, etc. Talismans and mantras cover a wide range of areas. It can be said that where there is life, there are mantras.

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