Chongtian Layman Li Chunwen’s “Psychic Dafa (2)” page 313

“Psychic Dafa (2)” 313-page PDF e-book download by Li Chunwen, a layman in the sky. (For content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below) Preface Taoism is a traditional religion in China, with a history of more than four thousand years. Taoism regards Lao Tzu as its leader, revered as Taishang Laojun, and regards the Jade Emperor as the highest god. Taoism advocates practicing immortality and immortality. Taoist program

Chongtian Layman Li Chunwen’s “Psychic Dafa (2)” 313-page PDF e-book download. (Content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below)


Taoism is a traditional religion in China, and it has been around for more than four thousand years history. Taoism regards Lao Tzu as its leader, revered as Taishang Laojun, and regards the Jade Emperor as the highest god. Taoism advocates practicing immortality and immortality. The program of Taoism is to strengthen the body with boxing, to nourish the body with a reasonable diet, to treat people with Chinese herbal medicine, and to control the essence, qi, and spirit with the exercises of tranquility and concentration. Cultivate the body with the idea of letting nature take its course, and protect the soul with the magic spell. In short, it is guided by the thoughts of purity, innocence, inaction, and humility, and achieves the goal of physical and mental health and immortality through practicing immortal skills. Taoism divides the human spirit into three souls and seven souls. The three souls refer to: Taiguang God, Youjing Soul, and Shuang Soul (also known as Heaven Soul, Earth Soul, and Destiny Soul). The seven souls refer to: corpse dog, ambush, sparrow yin, sky thief, non-poison, decontamination, and stinky lung (also known as Tianchong, Linghui, Qi, Li, center, essence, and Ying). Among the three souls, the two souls of heaven and earth are always outside, and only the soul of life always lives in the body. The three souls of heaven, earth and life do not often gather together. The soul of the earth can make people deplete essence and become depressed. The soul of fate can make people plot all things, causing disasters and causing harm. The seven souls are often attached to the human body. They are the turbid ghosts on the human body. They wander around the human body on the first day of the new moon, at the end of the moon, and at the end of the moon, attracting evil and causing evil. When a certain soul dissipates, people are prone to illness and attract ghosts. If all the seven souls are lost, the three souls will also leave the body, and the person will die. But when people are frightened, they appear pale and dizzy. This is the sign of soul scatter. If & #8211; a person is dissociated too much or for too long, it can result in a person’s death. So we must hurry up to settle down. The magic of Taoism to calm the soul is the spell method. The spell method is a great method of psychic communication. It is a kind of spell to respectfully ask the gods to bless and bless, expel evil spirits and calm the soul through runes and incantations. The method is to use pen, ink or cinnabar to draw symbols on paper, cloth, wood, gold, stone and other carriers, and recite spells while drawing symbols. The drawing of symbols must be done in a state of concentration, without distracting thoughts, and done in one go. Use your own spirit to match the invited god, use your own qi to match the invited god, use your own induction to receive the invited god’s aura, and make the invited god appear in the talisman. Then the gods can manifest their spirits and perform their duties by offering incense and consecrating the light. The spell method is a classic of Taoism, which is generally kept secret and not passed on lightly, or is only taught orally between master and apprentice. The “Psychic Dafa” written by the famous Yi scholar and “Chongtian Layman” Li Chunwen has met with you. This is a very precious book. This book not only contains soul-absorbing methods and spells, but also techniques for judging demon possession and cracking methods. It not only involves the pertinence of common phenomena, but also lists specific methods for cracking them. The rare true classics are not only convenient for practice, but also effective. Therefore, the publication history of “Psychic Dafa” is the gospel for everyone who is interested in studying and learning spells. “Psychic Dafa” is really a blessing from the gods!.

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