Two volumes of Mi Jingzi’s “The Origin of the Body”

Mi Jingzi (Director Zhang Zhishun) “The Origin and Flow of Qi Body” PDF e-book download. Introduction “The Origin of the Body of Energy (2 volumes in total)” is a collection of Daozang and other classic chapters in the original Taoist classics, accompanied by intuitive graphics and accurate and practical annotations. The real experience, especially for fellow practitioners

Mi Jingzi (Zhang Zhishun) “The Origin and Flow of Qi Ti” PDF e-book download.


“The Origin of Qi Ti (a set of 2 volumes)” is a compilation of Daozang and other classic chapters in Taoist original classics, accompanied by intuitive graphics and accurate and practical annotations. , and all of them are the real experience of one’s own physical and mental demonstration, which are especially valuable for reference and verification for fellow practitioners of true cultivation and demonstration. The original intention shared by the editor is so warm and broad: I hope that fellow friends of the same way can save decades of visiting time and achieve success as soon as possible.

“The Origin of Qi Body” is a compilation of Daozang and other classic chapters in the original Taoist classics, accompanied by intuitive and vivid drawings, accurate and practical annotations. The real experience is especially valuable for reference and verification for fellow practitioners who practice and verify.

Century-year-old Taoist Zhang Zhishun entered Taoism at the age of seventeen. This book collects the mysteries and secrets of the two patriarchs of Buddhism and Taoism, the foundation of life and death, the source of life, and the principles of good fortune. It is hoped that fellow Taoists can save decades of visiting time.

Brief introduction of the author

Zhang Zhishun, Taoist Master Mi Jingzi, is the twenty-first generation of Quanzhen Longmen School.

The Taoist priest became a monk at the age of seventeen in Biyun Nunnery, Banjieshan, Huazhou, Shaanxi, and practiced Taoism with his master Taoist Liu Mingcang, Datianzhu Mountain, Shanyang, Shaanxi. Daoist Liu Mingcang received the true biography of Daoist Master Yuanji.

In 1955, the Taoist priest went out to visit the mountain and served as an official of the Eight Immortals Palace in Shaanxi;

From the 1960s to the 1970s, he went to Zhongnan Mountain in Shaanxi for ten years to study;


In 1980, he served as the supervisor of Louguantai in Shaanxi;

In 1987, he built the Baoji Beacon Tower All Saints Palace;

199 In 1998, he served as the president of the Taoist Association of Cili County, Hunan Province;

In 1998, he entered Zhongnan Mountain Qingxiu again.

From 2008 to 2012, it was repaired in Bagua Peak of Zhongnan Mountain in Shaanxi Province and Yuchan Palace in Hainan Province.

Some screenshots

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