Xu Weigang’s proofreading book: The Encyclopedia of Liuren, page 414

Xu Weigang clicked on the school version: Six Ren Encyclopedia 414 pages PDF electronic version to share and download. Preface In Chinese traditional culture, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the mainstays of traditional culture. Among them, Confucian culture has a great influence on the secular world. The traditional mainstream world outlook, outlook on life, and values of the Chinese nation are also mainly derived from Confucian cultural knowledge.

Xu Weigang clicked on the school version: Six Ren Encyclopedia 414 pages PDF electronic version to share and download.


In traditional Chinese culture, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the mainstays of traditional culture. Among them, Confucian culture has a great influence on the secular world. The traditional mainstream world outlook, outlook on life, and values of the Chinese nation are also mainly derived from Confucian cultural knowledge.

Among the long-standing and profound Confucian cultural theories, the Four Books and Five Classics are undoubtedly the core theories. The Four Books include: The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects, and Mencius; the Five Classics include: The Book of Changes, The Poetry, The Book, The Book of Rites, and the Spring and Autumn Annals. The Four Books and Five Classics are an organically inherited Confucian system, among which the Book of Changes is collectively called “the first of all classics”. Emperor Kangxi, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, thought in the “Imperial Preface” in “Riping Yijing Lecture Notes” that:

The way of obeying the emperor is contained in the Six Classics, and the extreme heaven and human life are poor, and the things before the people are opened If you can make the best use of changes, then its principles cannot be detailed in the “Yi” as a book, and the four sages set up images, set up hexagrams, and the words are clear and extensive. Since the past, Baoxi, Shennong, Huangdi, Yao and Bee Wang have followed the way of the world, and this is salty. The texts of “Poetry” and “Book”, the instrument of music in “Li”, and the conduct of “Spring and Autumn”, Zhou is not as good as “Yi”. There is an inherent saying in the Han class: the six arts have the principles of the five constants, and the “Yi” is the original, does it prove it or not? From the above passage, it can be seen that from the Han Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, the “Book of Changes” has always been regarded as “the origin of all classics”. Therefore, in a certain sense, the “Book of Changes” can be regarded as the general root of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation . ······

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