Xu Yunong: Dunjia body protection technique with good and bad luck for sixty Jiazi days

Xu Yunong: The Art of Dunjia and Body Protection with Good and Bad Uses for Sixty Jiazi Days pdf, share and download on Baidu Netdisk. Jade girl’s anti-closed method_concealment and concealment…. The curse of setting up the formation _ going in and out of things is not a disaster…. Nine traces of Yu Gangbu _Among thousands of people, those who see me are happy… Ding Qi Curse _Anyone who offends me will destroy himself… Three Strange Mantras_Tianwei Helps Me, Liubing Cures Boils…

Xu Yunong: The Art of Dunjia Body Protection with Good and Bad Use in the Sixty Jiazi Days pdf, share and download on Baidu Netdisk.

Jade Girl’s Anti-Closing Method_Concealment and Concealment……. The curse of setting up the formation _ going in and out of things is not a disaster…. Nine traces of Yu Gangbu _Among thousands of people, those who see me are happy… Ding Qi Curse _Anyone who offends me will destroy himself… Three Strange Mantras _ Tianwei helps me, Liubing eliminates boils…. “Dunjia body protection technique” is mainly based on the body protection method in Qimen Dunjia, and the less popular “real person closing Liuwu method”, “real person step fighting method” and “Liuwu talisman style”, etc., are all ancient generals’ body protection techniques , this book reveals all the secrets. The “Taiyi Golden Mirror Style” can predict the good or bad of the area where time and space change. If there is great auspiciousness, go to it, and if it is bad, avoid it. It is also suitable for self-protection. “60 Jiazi Daily Use” provides you with taboos for 365 days a year, so that you can suit your plan. Edited by Xu Yunong, it is an analysis of vernacular Chinese, which can be read and applied by everyone.

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