Zheng Jingfeng “Beginners Divination” page 265

Zheng Jingfeng’s “Divination for Beginners” 265-page PDF, high-definition e-book download. It introduces in detail that Mr. Li learns the Book of Changes and Mr. Zhu Gaozheng studies divination. It can be seen that the divination in the Book of Changes is the study of emperors and generals, not the magic of quackery. This book creates its own ┌Ba Dou Gua fortune-telling method┘, combining horoscopes, Ziwei Doushu, life-long hexagrams, hand and face… to solve the problem of ┌same fate but different luck┘, and based on this advice,

Zheng Jingfeng’s “Divination for Beginners” 265-page PDF, high-definition e-book download.

Detailed introduction

Mr. Li studied the Book of Changes, and Mr. Zhu Gaozheng studied divination. It can be seen that the divination of the Book of Changes is the study of emperors and generals, not the magic of quackery. This book creates ┌Badou hexagram fortune-telling method┘, combined with horoscope, Ziwei Doushu, life-long hexagrams, palm and facial expressions…, to solve the problem of ┌same fate but different luck┘, and make suggestions based on it, so that you can succeed in self-study, and you will become better Good luck and bad luck, smooth sailing!

There are many ways of divination in the Book of Changes, such as Shao Kangjie’s Plum Blossom Heart Yi, and hand hexagrams for calculation. The rice hexagram that turns rice into an image. There are time hexagrams for divination according to the year, month, day and time. A person’s hexagram based on the person’s appearance. Numeral hexagrams for filling in numbers. Those who hear the sound of birds (birds occupy) are occupied by tea leaves. Leaves accounted for. There are those who are close to supernatural powers (heart hexagrams). There are original I Ching hexagrams for divination. The intermediate level is disturbed by the five elements of heavenly stems, blue dragons and six beasts. Advanced Liu Yao Gua. Wenwang hexagram of the highest level An Tianqian Liushou hexagram body. There are dozens of kinds of chess hexagrams for generals and soldiers. However, the most common one is the money hexagram, also known as the Wenwang hexagram. The human heart is the temple of the true God. If there is a lack of a pious person, if you try to divination, no amount of divination will be accurate. (It’s easy to plan for a gentleman, not for a villain). Divination is not a phenomenon that is absolutely accurate (probability rate). If you use divination to gamble, the proportion of inaccurate (chaotic hexagrams) is often very high! !

This book is Huigen’s experience in divination for more than 20 years, as well as the basic information taught to students, because Huigen has also been immersed in Bazi, Doushu, and Fengshui. I often explain the “common destiny” of Bazi Doushu to guests, and I am very confused. Because there are too many people with the same birth date as Ziwei. Many doctors, doctors, and scholars in the district once questioned: “Mr. Zheng, you always use the same formulas of horoscope, Ziwei, and fate, and some people even boast in books. You can see it from the Ziwei horoscope. Where does Lingyun go to reincarnate, think about it, there are so many people with the same fate, is this logical?” Huigen can only remain silent, indeed, everyone is obsessed with the “common fate” formula,

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