Zhu Guoying’s Interpretation of the Stems and Branches of the Trajectory of Life: A Brief Theory of the New School of Numerology, page 260

Download the 260-page PDF e-book of Zhu Guoying’s Interpretation of the Stems and Branches of the Trajectory of Life: A Brief Theory of New School Numerology. (For content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below) Introduction The new four-pillar theory came out with a ground-breaking momentum and developed at a rapid speed. Where is the magic of the new four-pillar theory?

Zhu Guoying’s “Interpretation of the Stems and Branches of Life Trajectory: A Brief Theory of New School Numerology” 260-page PDF e-book download. (Content clarity, please refer to the screenshot below)


The new four-pillar theory came out with a ground-breaking momentum and developed at a rapid speed. In just a few years, it has occupied more than half of the world of forecasting on an overwhelming scale. What is the magic of the new four-pillar study that makes Yixue lovers so flocking to it? What are its core theories and main technical tips? This book has made comprehensive introduction and solution. It is divided into more than a dozen special chapters to explain the operation in detail. Some classic techniques of the new four-pillar theory, such as the theory of a hundred gods, the theory of anti-assertion, the theory of system, and the theory of emptiness, have always been regarded as top-secret technical methods, which are disclosed in this book without reservation. It was the first time. This book also brings good news to Yi You, who has a headache because of the inability to accurately distinguish the pattern: for the first time in the book, the Chuhe-Han Realm that distinguishes the pattern is published: system theory, if you have a little foundation, after a few days of learning, three seconds Determining the pattern internally will definitely become a real thing. I believe that after reading this book, Yi You’s prediction level will immediately rise to a new level. All the gods rebelled against the immortal law, and from then on they flew into the people’s homes to see the sun and the chaos. The Ziping scriptures were originally it!

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