Ashamed Scholars “On the Related Patterns of Partial Officials”

Ashamed Scholars “On the Related Patterns of Partial Officials” PDF e-book download. Part of the content refers to the days of Jiashen and Yiyou. For example, on the day of Yichou, in Chouzhong, he sits on Xinjin and kills himself. He likes to grow spring and summer, and Yimu is healthy and prosperous. He kills himself with restraint. In the day, it is necessary to rely on the prosperity of the day, and there will be no more officials to kill and conquer, and the happiness will be killed, and the wealth and prosperity will be a blessing.

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refers to Jiashen, Yiyou and other days. For example, on the day of Yichou, in Chouzhong, he sits on Xinjin and kills himself. He likes to grow spring and summer, and Yimu is healthy and prosperous. He kills himself with restraint. In the day, it is necessary to rely on the prosperity of the day, and there will be no more officials to kill and conquer, and the happiness will be killed, and the wealth and prosperity will be a blessing. Such as Shawang, there is a joint system of wounded officials, which is also expensive. If you are helpless, if you continue to kill Wangyun, or see you again, you will have scars on your face, a dwarf with a lame turtle, a flat finger with tumors, rape, greed, violence, domineering, and repeated violations of the charter. The gram weighs many days, and most of the qualified ones are Wugui. If you are in the presence of the same kind of life and prosperity, you can help yourself with seals and ribbons, and you can neutralize them with restraint, and you will also be noble. But he is very impatient, sinister, poisonous, false and murderous, and unreasonable. Notes from Zhongnan: Tianyuan Zuozhao, this Tianyuan refers to the Rigan, and there are seven kills hidden in the sitting branch of the Rigan, or the original Qi of the sitting branch is the Qikill, or the sitting Qikill storehouse, all belong to the Tianyuan Zuozai. The original text lists Jiashen, Yixi, and Yichou, but the thousand branches killed by Tianyuan are far more than these. Such as Wuyin, Jimao, Jiwei, Wangchen, Renxu, Guichou, Guiwei, these are all the stems and branches of Tianyuan. The author takes Jiayi wood as an example, as a representative to explain some likes and dislikes of Mingyuan Zhasha. On the surface, these words are very simple and easy to understand, but they are not. For example, when A and B sit and kill, why do they like spring and summer? If it is said that spring is happy, it is better to understand, after all, spring is the season of wood prosperity. Why do you still like the birth of summer? In summer, the fire is flourishing, but the trees are not flourishing, but what does the text say? Happy to be born in spring and summer, Yimu is healthy and prosperous. Yimu is not prosperous in summer, so the health and prosperity mentioned here has little to do with the moon order, and has more to do with the root of Yimu. If Yimu has no roots in other places, how can it be called healthy and prosperous. Killing is self-regulated, which refers to the seven killings of the Rizhi. First of all, we need to understand whether the seven killings of the Rizhi need to be controlled. Also, if it is born in spring, who will control the killing? If it is born in summer, the lunar and earthly branches are fire, especially the Siwu month, which may be able to effectively restrict the seven killings of the solar branch. If you were born in Shang Maoyue, how did you control the killing, was it controlled by the killing or did you control the killing? This is a question. Also, the family said that they don’t like to see Bingding in the open. Since they say that the killing must be restrained, why don’t they like to see Bingding in the open? Also, if the seven kills hidden in the Rizhi are not revealed, even if Bingding is seen clearly, this Bingding will be on fire. How did you get this kill done? If it is said that Rizhi’s killing is done as a body, and he doesn’t like seeing food wounds to kill, it’s better to understand. If the seven kills are exhausted and encounter Bingdinghuo again, it will inevitably hurt the body. What if the seven kills are not clear? This is another problem.

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