Wang Xiangan’s “Mantra of Kanyu”

Download the PDF e-book of Wang Xiangan’s “Mantras of Kanyu”. Introduction Fengshui can make people get rich quickly and have a smooth career, but the amount of wealth and the level of the position are related to the person’s accumulation of virtue and whether he encounters evil spirits. Accumulating virtue depends on the individual, and you need to learn how to eliminate evil spirits. The book discloses a variety of evil spirit elimination techniques, which are meaningful and dialectical. After learning this set of correct Feng Shui theories, you will be amazed at the mystery of Feng Shui

Wang Xiangan’s “Mantra of Gemyu” PDF e-book download.


Feng Shui can make people get rich quickly and have a smooth career. Accumulation of virtue depends on the individual, and you need to learn how to eliminate evil spirits. The book discloses a variety of evil spirit elimination techniques, which are meaningful and dialectical. After learning this set of correct Fengshui theory, you will be amazed at the mysteries of Fengshui. It can be used from helping people, widely used Plant Futian to form a virtuous circle. From the preface, I inherited the court training when I was young, and then studied the true meaning of Fengshui. After more than 20 years of verification, I suddenly realized and gained a comprehensive understanding. For many Fengshui books in the market, they often describe hexagrams and landscape law in vague terms, and they don’t really understand it. In order to revitalize the reputation of Fengshui and the accumulative reputation of advanced predecessors, with a lot of encouragement, I boldly present my years of research in front of you. If there is any inappropriateness, please give me your advice. There are so many incisive and unique researches, which are enough to satisfy the curiosity of the students, and revealed many truths of Feng Shui that the predecessors did not easily disclose, which made me both happy and worried. The joy is that I can be a pioneer in the water world for a long time, and I dare to speak out; the worry is that if I let bad-minded villains use it to harm others, it will be my sin. I hope the students can use it kindly and do it for themselves. Fengshui books in the past can’t guarantee your store’s prosperous business and endless customers, but after you study my book (Fengshui Zhenjing), as long as you can understand it, it will definitely make you money. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that water can carry a boat and overturn it. All operations and operations must be done with kind thoughts in mind, so that people will not be punished by God. I hope you will keep it in mind for hope.

Table of Contents

Preface, Preface, Chapter 1, Preface to Fengshui of Yangzhai

Chapter 2, General Discussion on the evil spirits of three evil spirits, seven evil spirits, five yellows, two blacks, three greens, and seven reds

Chapter 3 Nine Stars Flying Park

Chapter 4 Wenchang Position Distinguishes the Text of Wenchang Position

Chapter 5 The New Meaning of Zero Positiveness

Chapter 6 Sitting Analysis

Chapter 7 What is the Hexagram and the Hexagram

Chapter 8 Choosing the day to make your life Choose the day method Dong Gong chooses the day method Xuankong chooses the day method example

Chapter 9 Standing Pole

Chapter 10 Landscape Movement and Stillness

Chapter 11 How to Arrange House Sitting

Chapter 12 Nine Palaces Feibo

Chapter Thirteen Ziwei Numerology and Feng Shui

Chapter Fourteen Xuankong Flying Star House Broken Xuankong Flying Star The use of stars

Chapter 15 Unit Space Gua Qi House Break

Chapter 16 Where is the focus of Yang Zhai

Chapter 17 Application

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