“Feng Shui of Modern Houses” by Yu Xixian

Yu Xixian’s “Feng Shui of Modern Houses” PDF e-book download. Introduction “Feng Shui of Modern Residences” starts with the origin, theoretical basis and principles of Feng Shui, and then introduces in detail the common rational issues in modern residences such as site selection, layout, taboos and many other aspects. Combined with the phenomenon of purchasing second-hand houses in modern society, the author also gives readers highly operational guidance. This book first introduces

Yu Xixian’s “Feng Shui of Modern Houses” PDF e-book download.


“Feng Shui of Modern Houses” starts with the origin, theoretical basis and principles of Feng Shui, and then introduces in detail the common rational issues in modern houses about site selection, layout, taboos and many other aspects. Combined with the phenomenon of purchasing second-hand houses in modern society, the author also gives readers highly operational guidance. This book first introduces the origin, theoretical basis and principles of Fengshui, so that readers have a certain understanding of Fengshui, and then introduces the taboos of site selection, layout and decoration in detail in Fengshui for modern houses. Especially the last two sections of this book, combined with the phenomenon of purchasing second-hand houses in modern society, also give readers highly operable guidance.

About the author

Yu Xixian, born in a scholarly family of traditional Chinese medicine for generations, is a well-known Fengshui cultural scholar with international reputation. University professor, doctoral supervisor, librarian of Beijing Museum of Culture and History. Served as a member of the Geographical Thought Committee of the International Geographical Society, deputy director of the Historical Geography Professional Committee of the Chinese Geographical Society, deputy editor-in-chief of the “Historical Geography” magazine, director of the Chinese Society of Ancient Capitals, the second director of the Chinese Local Chronicles Association, and the sixth academic member of the Chinese Local Chronicles Association Member; current vice president of China Xu Xiake Research Association, member of the editorial board of “Economic Geography”. Mr. Yu is good at academics and has devoted himself to the study of Fengshui for decades. As early as 1990, he was sent by the government to give lectures in Moscow. In 1993, he was invited to study Fengshui at the University of Hong Kong; in 2004, he was invited by the mayor of Vienna, Austria, to conduct urban Fengshui inspections and academic lectures… During the past 20 years, he has enjoyed a wide reputation and international exchanges. Great results. His works are too numerous to list, such as: “The Influence of Fengshui Culture on the World”, “Ancient Chinese Traditional Geography”, “The Vicissitudes of Human Living Environment”, “Yu Xixian’s Comments on Chinese Local Chronicles”, “The Wisdom of Chinese Studies – Fengshui Cultural Application”, “Chinese Wisdom – Cases of Fengshui Culture”, etc.

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