Han Shaoqing’s “House Fortune Mysterious Space Exploration”

Download the PDF e-book of Han Shaoqing’s “House Fortune, Mystery and Space Exploration”. Content Summary In September 2004, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, and the autumn breeze was crisp. More than 300 Feng Shui experts in the Yi Xue circle walked into the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with high spirits, and participated in the event with joy. The Architectural Feng Shui Symposium jointly held by the National Academy of Social Sciences and the Ministry of Construction. this

Han Shaoqing’s “House Fortune Mysterious Space Exploration” PDF e-book download.

Content Summary

In September 2004, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, and the autumn breeze was crisp. More than 300 Feng Shui experts in the Yi-School circle walked into the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with high spirits. With such joy, I participated in the Architectural Feng Shui Symposium jointly held by the National Academy of Social Sciences and the Ministry of Construction. The convening of this meeting caused a sensation all over the country, and also attracted the attention of foreign countries, especially in the circle of Yi scholars at home and abroad. When people were excited, they clearly understood and saw that the architectural feng shui, which has been imprisoned by history for a long time and known as “feudal superstition”, has finally broken through the cage in the spring breeze of modern reform and opening up, conforming to history and public opinion. Entered the palace of history dignifiedly. History has testified that the science of Feng Shui will shine brilliantly and make immeasurable contributions to improving the quality of life of Chinese people and the world, and creating a harmonious living environment for mankind. “Holding a Feng Shui meeting in the Great Hall of the People, is it scientific or superstitious?” has become an indisputable fact. The spring of Yi Xue circle has come, Feng Shui, as a branch of Yi Xue, is the first to bathe in the sunny spring breeze.

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