Meng Zhengyi-Tao Follows Nature (Part 1) PDF e-book HD download

Meng Zhengyi-Tao follows nature (Resolution Collection 1) PDF e-book HD Baidu network disk download Very dry learning materials, learners, we should not only predict accurately, but also solve problems, learn the contents of six books, Fengshui resolves, everything Resolve, handy. Mr. Meng served as the chief lecturer of Harbin Branch of China Heluo University in 1994, and as the Hong Kong International

Meng Zhengyi-Tao follows nature (Resolution Collection 1) PDF e-book HD Baidu network disk download

Very dry learning materials. For learners, we should not only predict accurately, but also solve problems. Learn the content of the six books, resolve Fengshui, and resolve everything with ease. In 1994, Mr. Meng served as the main lecturer of the Harbin Branch of Heluo University in China. In 1996, he was a senior expert in Yi-Confucianism of the Hong Kong International Book of Changes Research Institute. (Numerology in detail on the ten gods), (Breaking skills) (General explanation of four-pillar names) (Xuankong Fengshui general explanation and environmental planning) (Indoor Lucky Fengshui layout) (Six Yao golden formulas) (Xuankong Fengshui talks) and other ten Several series of books are highly praised at home and abroad, and are known as the master of Yijie. Since the 1960s, he studied Yi under the door of Li Xiushan, a Taoist Beihai Zhenlong gossip master. He has been familiar with the books of Yi learning, and he has continuously pushed Yi to a higher level and formed a unique concept. He is good at architectural Fengshui planning, and life planning is extremely accurate. , is superb, and can be called the master of the modern generation of Yi. He has been invited to participate in many domestic and foreign Yi-learning conferences and published papers, and was named the top ten Fengshui planners in the world by the conference. In 2007, he served as the first international architectural Fengshui and ecological environment seminar Chairman of the General Assembly.

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